

  • abbr.

    on-line cryptanalytic aid language 联机密码分析辅助语言,在线密码分析破译辅助语言;

  • 学习《OCAL》怎么用


    A {M}ethod of {R}elating {G}eneral-{C}irculation {M}odel {S}imulated {C}limate to the {O}bserved {L}ocal {C}limate .1. {S}easonal {S...
    E mpowerment or I mposition? D ilemmas of L ocal O wnership in P ost- C onflict P eacebuilding P rocesses
    Circuit arrangement, L[ocal] I[nterconnected] NE[twork] comprising such circuit arrangement as well as method for processing input s...
    Pneumococal resistance to antibiotics
    Tissue microarray analysis of hepatocyte growth factor/Met pathway components reveals a role for Met, matriptase, and hepatocyte gro...
    Controlling interpenetration in metal-organic frameworks by liquid-phase epitaxy.
    Remifentanil produces vasorelaxation in isolated rat thoracic aorta strips
    Overproduction of monocyte derived tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin (IL) 6, IL-8 and increased neutrophil superoxide generat...
    Severe growth hormone insensitivity resulting from total absence of signal transducer and activator of transcription 5b.
    Hypertension, age, and location predict rupture of small intracranial aneurysms.