


  • abbr.

    ocarina 陶制的卵形笛;

  • 英英释义

    OCA[ 'əukə ]

    • n.South American wood sorrel cultivated for its edible tubers

      同义词:okaOxalis tuberosaOxalis crenata



    OCA-B integrates B cell antigen receptor-, CD40L- and IL 4-mediated signals for the germinal center pathway of B cell development.
    Origins of domestication and polyploidy in oca (Oxalis tuberosa : Oxalidaceae): nrDNA ITS data
    B-cell-specif ic coactivator OBF-1/OCA-B/Bob1 required for immune response and germinal centre formation
    Crystal structure of an OCA-B peptide bound to an Oct-1 POU domain/octamer DNA complex: specific recognition of a protein-DNA interf...
    S phase activation of the histone H2B promoter by OCA-S, a coactivator complex that contains GAPDH as a key component.
    The B-cell-specific transcription coactivator OCA-B/OBF-1/Bob-1 is essential for normal production of immunoglobulin isotypes
    Origins of domestication and polyploidy in oca (Oxalis Tuberosa: Oxalidaceae). 2. Chloroplast-expressed glutamine synthetase data
    B lymphocytes are impaired in mice lacking the transcriptional co-activator Bob1/OCA-B/OBF1.
    Ultrasensitive Potentiometric Immunosensor Based on SA and OCA Techniques for Immobilization of HBsAb with Colloidal Au and Polyviny...
    Cloning, functional characterization, and mechanism of action of the B-cell-specific transcriptional coactivator OCA-B