
出处:老师板报网 时间:2012-08-13


  A hobby , someone once said , is somethingyou do when you have nothing to do.That may be true,but a hobby is more

  than just a way to fill some dead time.It’s really a way to express your passion for life.For me,that passion is Chinese calligraphy;for others,it may be coin collecting(numismatics),or stamp col-lecting(philately).

  Today,though,there seemto be fewer callig-raphers,numismatists and philatelists.People complain that they are just too busy to waste their time on such hobbies.Of course,these are the same people who can find plenty of time to spend on their computers or mobile phones,or even watching television.The truth is,we have more leisure time than ever,but many people have lost interest in traditional hobbies because these pas-times are considered too quiet.There is no buzz.

  True hobbyists do get excited about their pas-times because a little thing like a stamp can open up a whole world of knowledge and interest.Did you know,for example,that the first stamp issued in China was also a dragon?That was in1878dur-ing the Qing dynasty.And did you know that stamps can be valuable?A Swedish stamp was sold in1996for$2.3million.Even the newdragon stamp is now selling online for fifty times its face value.

  Stamp collecting or other traditional hobbies may not be your thing,but having a hobby that you can stick with can really add to life’s enjoyment.

