



  • 释义

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    Fauna Boreali-Americana; or The Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America: MALACOPTERYGII APODES
    Revision of the Melanesian swiftlets (Apodes, Aves) and their conspecific forms in the Indo-Australian and Polynesian region
    Zur funktion, morphologie und histochemie der Schwanzdrüse bei Röhrenaalen (Pisces, Apodes, Heterocongridae)
    29. A Contribution to the Classification of the Fishes of the Order Apodes, based on the Osteology of some rare Eels
    Les Apodes fossiles du Monte Bolca.
    Les Apodes fossiles du Monte Bolca.
    XXXVII.—Otoliths of fishes from the Lower Tertiary formations of Southern England.—I. Isospondyli, Apodes, Berycomorphi
    La phénologie des grands Apoïdes dans le massif des Maures (France, Var)
    Quelques observations concernant le maintien en élevage de deux Amphibiens Apodes, Typhlonectes compressicaudus et un Ichthyophis...