



  • v.

    授予封地( enfeoff的现在分词 );授予领地;转让;让渡

  • 英英释义

    enfeoff[ in'fef, -'fi:f ]

    • v.put in possession of land in exchange for a pledge of service, in feudal society

      "He enfeoffed his son-in-law with a large estate in Scotland"



    Research on Wei Zi's Enfeoffing by the Song Dynasty and Its Influence
    The Enfeoffment and Local Political Systems of Chu State from Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period
    Discussion on Sealing Country System in the Early Period of Hang Dynasty and System of Enfeoffs in Western Zhou Dynasty
    The emperor’s four bodies: Embodied rulership and legal culture in early Ming China
    1910년대 세태소설 고찰
    1910년대 세태소설 고찰
    임진왜란의 국제정치학
    A Decipherment of the Character "疏"
    A Textual Research of the Cao Wei Dynasty’s Policy of Severely Restricting the Power of Imperial Clansmen
    A Research of the Political System of Zhou Dynasty Based on“Harmony in Diversity”