

英 [pri:'lɪtərɪt]
美 [pri'lɪtərɪt]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    preliterate[ pri:'litərət ]

    • adj.
      • not yet having acquired the ability to read and write
      • used of a society that has not developed writing




    Writing in preliterate children
    Preliterate phonological awareness and early literacy skills in Turkish
    Comparing French Syllabification in Preliterate Children and Adults.
    Reading Stories to Preliterate Children: A Proposed Connection to Reading. Technical Report No. 510.
    A step at a time: Preliterate children’s simulation of narrative movement during story comprehension.
    Levels of phonological awareness in preliterate and literate Spanish-speaking children
    Syllable splitting in literate and preliterate Hebrew speakers: onsets and rimes or bodies and codas?
    2. The Function of Epic in Preliterate Societies : The Greek Concept of Justice From Its Shadow in Homer to Its Substance in Plato
    Grating acuity tests should not be used for social service purposes in preliterate children
    The role of fertility awareness education in promoting the dignity and well-being of preliterate people.