



  • v.

    返回,回来( return的现在分词 );恢复;还;归还

  • 双语释义

    1. vi. 返回,回来 come or go back to a former place, condition, or activity
    2. vt. 还,归还,退回 give, put, or send back
    3. vi. 恢复 come or go back to an earlier activity or condition
    4. vt. 回报 give or do sth in exchange
    1. [S]返回,回来,恢复 the act or an example of returning
    2. [U]归还,回报 the act of giving, putting, or sending sth back
    3. [C]利润,收益 an amount of money produced as a profit



    • adj.
      • tending to return to an earlier state


      • tending to be turned back




    用作动词 (v.)
    • return a book归还书
    • return a compliment回礼,还礼,报复
    • return a kindness回报,报答
    • return a profit产生效益〔利润〕
    • return a visit回访
    • return an answer回答
    • return fire回击
    • return thank(s)答谢
    • return trace回描,归迹
    • return voyage返航
    • just return刚刚回来
    • never return一去不复返
    • return home回家
    • return customarily按惯例回家
    • return deliberately不慌不忙地回家
    • return expeditiously迅速地回家
    • return fortuitously偶然回家
    • return habitually按惯例回家
    • return honorably衣锦还乡
    • return incessantly连续地回家
    • return infallibly绝对可靠地获利
    • return promptly迅速归还
    • return testily暴躁地反驳
    • return traditionally按惯例回家
    • return triumphantly凯旋
    • return unceremoniously唐突地回家
    • return after …后回故里
    • return for an exam温课迎考
    • return from从…回来
    • return from the conference开会回来
    • return from a trip to Europe从欧洲旅行回来
    • return from this digression to subject言归正传
    • return to回到…
    • return to normal恢复正常
    • return to one's old habit故态复萌
    • return to one's subject言归正传
    • return with带…回来
    用作名词 (n.)
    • accept return接受退还
    • ask for return索还…
    • bring return带来利润
    • commemorate return纪念凯旋
    • compile return编制统计表
    • demand return要求归还
    • expect return图回答
    • have return复发
    • make return申报…,汇报…
    • realize return获得利润
    • seek return牟取利润
    • show return显示成果
    • welcome return欢迎归来
    • adequate return足够的利润
    • Board of Trade return商务部统计表
    • census return人口〔户口〕统计表
    • diminishing return报酬递减
    • election return选举结果报告
    • fair return相当大的利润
    • fat return丰厚的利润
    • financial return会计〔财务〕报告
    • good return优厚利润
    • happy return(敬祝)福寿,长命百岁
    • insulated return绝缘回线
    • little return难以答谢
    • maximum return最大的利润
    • official return公报
    • poor return以怨报…,辜负了…
    • profitable return得到利润
    • prompt return立刻返回
    • property return资产统计表
    • quick return快速回转
    • safe return安全返航
    • aircraft return飞机返回
    • carriage return滑动架回位
    • short-ground return用短线接地
    • single-duct return单回流道
    • return air回流空气
    • return command返回指令
    • return curve回复曲线
    • return gear回行〔随动,跟踪〕装置
    • return half回程票
    • return main回水总管,回汽管
    • return period重现〔回复〕期
    • return pipe回(油,水,汽)管
    • return postcard来回明信片
    • return pump抽空泵
    • return riser回水立管
    • return spring回动〔复〕弹簧
    • return ticket来回票
    • return time回描时间
    • return transfer function返回传送操作
    • return water回归水
    • according to return根据…的申报表
    • after return归还后
    • at return of the year过了年就
    • by return of post由下一班回程邮递寄回
    • in return作为…的报酬,作为…的交换
    • on one's return回来时
    • with the return of随着…的到来
    • without return无利润,无赚头
    • return for回赠
    • return from从…归来
    • return from one's books写书的稿酬
    • return from the sale销售所得的利润
    • return of a salute还礼
    • return of an illness疾病的复发
    • return of health健康的恢复
    • return of loans借款的偿付
    • return of losses伤亡报告
    • return of seasons to the earth季节的轮回
    • return to回到…
    • return to nature回到大自然


    returning officer n. 选举监察人


    1. We must return to Dalian within three days.
    2. What time does your husband return from work?
    3. Don't forget to return my keys.
    4. Good education is an investment for your future and will return substantial rewards.
    5. He neglected to return his income tax form.
    1. I'm afraid I have to insist on the return of my books at once.
    2. The hope of his safe return diminished as time passed by.
    3. I gave him some books in return for his assistance.
    4. He assist me with my income tax return.


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