

英 [lɪmz]
美 [lɪmz]


  • n.

    肢( limb的名词复数 );大树枝;肢体;

  • 英英释义

    limb[ limz ]

    • n.
      • one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper
      • any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree

        同义词:tree branch

      • (astronomy) the circumferential edge of the apparent disc of the sun or the moon or a planet
      • either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip

        "the upper limb of the bow"

      • the graduated arc that is attached to an instrument for measuring angles

        "the limb of the sextant"

      • any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm




    lower limb[医]下肢;腿

    out on a limb孤立无援;处于危险的境地

    upper limb上肢;上翼;上边缘

    artificial limb n. 假肢

    life and limb 生命(危险) [常用于 risk 之后] , 生命;性命

    hind limb后肢

    phantom limb[医]幻肢



    1. She buys some roses with long limbs.
    2. The limbs in the forest canopy are so thickly intertwined that they form a natural cradle for Wookiee architecture.
    3. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain.
    4. Polio victims need physiotherapy to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs.
    5. The membranes extend backward to encompass hind limbs that are quite a bit smaller than those of a terrestrial mammal of comparable body size.
    6. But the dip angles of both limbs of the syncline look different, with one limb steeper than the other though they dip toward the opposite direction.


    Limbs: a model for pattern formation within the vertebrate body plan.
    Synaesthesia in phantom limbs induced with mirrors.
    The perception of phantom limbs. The D. O. Hebb lecture
    Fossils, genes and the evolution of animal limbs
    The measurement of volume changes in human limbs.
    The roles of FGFs in the early development of vertebrate limbs.
    Real-time inverse kinematics techniques for anthropomorphic limbs.
    Electrical stimulation in anterior limbs of internal capsules in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    Martin, G. R. The roles of FGFs in early development of vertebrate limbs. Genes Dev. 12, 1571-1586
    Preoperative versus postoperative radiotherapy in soft-tissue sarcoma of the limbs: a randomised trial.