

英 [prəʊ'kɒnsələ]
美 [proʊ'kɒnsələ]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    proconsular[ prəu'kɔnsjulə, -sə- ]

    • adj.of or relating to or typical of a proconsul

      "proconsular offices"



    El momento proconsular: Latinoamerica despues de la reeleccion de Bush.
    El momento proconsular: Latinoamérica después de la relación de Bush
    Proconsular Ambitions on the Chinese Border: Governor General Iakobi's Proposal of War on China
    Robert Thorne Coryndon: proconsular imperialism in southern and eastern Africa, 1897–1925
    Lord Cromer's 'Ancient and Modern Imperialism': A Proconsular View of Empire
    San Agustín de Hipona, San Fulgencio de Ruspe y el Monacato en el Africa proconsular
    Mosacios sepulcrales paleocristianos hispanos con figuras humanas y sus paralelos del África proconsular
    Lord Lansdowne and the Indian Factory Act of 1891: A Study in Indian Economic Nationalism and Proconsular Power
    JashemskiWilhelmina Feemster, The Origins and History of the Proconsular and Propraetorian ‘Imperium’ to 27 B.C.University of Chic...
    Youé Christopher P.. Robert Thorne Coryndon: Proconsular Imperialism in Southern and Eastern Africa, 1897–1925. Wa...