

英 ['ju:njənaɪz]
美 ['junjənˌaɪz]


  • vt.& vi.


  • 英英释义

    unionise[ 'ju:niəunaiz ]

    • v.
      • recruit for a union or organize into a union


      • form or join a union




    TUC attempts to unionise new media
    U. S. Doctors Unionise Against Managed Care
    EU should help Bangladesh workers to unionise
    The right to unionise, the right to bargain and the right to democratic policing
    Feminise without Unionise: the Indian Garment sector and its lack of solidarity
    Sonja Davies' attempts to unionise nurses.(LETTERS)(Letter to the Editor)
    Exploitation and Degradation of Workers Right to Unionise in Public and Private Organisations in Nigeria
    When strong unions meet precarious migrants: Building trustful relations to unionise labour migrants in a high union-density setting
    The Geography of Union Organising in Low‐Paid Service Industries in the UK: Lessons from the T&G's Campaign to Unionise the Dorches...
    The Geography of Union Organising in Low‐Paid Service Industries in the UK: Lessons from the T&G's Campaign to Unionise the Dorches...
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