
英 [ˌi: ti: ˈdi:]
美 [ˌiti'di]


  • abbr.

    estimated time of departure 预定出发时间;

  • 英英释义

    ETD[ ,i: ti: 'di: ]

    • n.a system for screening luggage in airports; an agent passes a swab around or inside luggage and then runs the swab through a machine that can detect trace amounts of explosives

      同义词:explosive trace detection



    Analysis of phosphorylation sites on proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by electron transfer dissociation (ETD) mass spectrometry
    The Utility of ETD Mass Spectrometry in Proteomic Analysis: BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA Proteins and Proteomics Posttranslational ...
    Improved peptide identification by targeted fragmentation using CID, HCD and ETD on an LTQ-Orbitrap Velos.
    The generating function of CID, ETD, and CID/ETD pairs of tandem mass spectra: applications to database search.
    Identification of the Staphylococcus aureus etd Pathogenicity Island Which Encodes a Novel Exfoliative Toxin, ETD, and EDIN-B
    Title page for ETD etd-03232018-135223
    Title page for ETD etd-03222018-111206
    Title page for ETD etd-03282016-160215
    Modeling and experimental investigation for assessing surface interrity in Sic grinding.
    Electrochemistry of Fullerenes and Their Derivatives