



  • n.

    意图( intention的名词复数 );意向;目的;打算

  • 学习《Intentions》怎么用


    Intentions, Plans, and Practical Reason
    Attention, Intentions, And Structure of Discourse
    From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior
    Attention, intentions, and the structure of discourse
    Understanding and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition
    Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior
    Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior
    The endophenotype concept in psychiatry: etymology and strategic intentions.
    Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control.
    Reviews and Overviews The Endophenotype Concept in Psychiatry : Etymology and Strategic Intentions