

英 [hu:l]


  • abbr.

    who shall 谁将要…;who will 谁将要…;

  • 学习《who'll》怎么用


    ‘Someone to talk to who'll listen’: addressing the psychosocial needs of children and families
    Who'll go? A review of factors associated with employee willingness to work overseas
    Who'll Run the Schools?.
    Who'll replace you when you're gone?
    Who'll Win the Mega Millions Lottery? the States
    Who'll come a Waltzing Matilda: the search for identity in Australian Music Education
    A new home, who'll follow? or, Glimpses of Western life
    Unsettling the Frontier: Gender and Racial Identity in Caroline Kirkland's A New Home, Who'll Follow? and Forest Life
    "The Hand of Refined Taste"in the Frontier Landscape: Caroline Kirkland's "A New Home, Who'll Follow?"and the Feminization of Amer...
    Who'll replace you when your gone?