



  • v.

    起义( rise的第三人称单数 );升起;(数量)增加;休会

  • 双语释义

    1. [S]上升,升起 upward movement
    2. [C]增加,增长 an increase in quantity, price, demand, etc.
    3. [U]兴起,发展 the act of growing more powerful, more active, or more widespread; development
    4. [C]斜坡,高岗 an upward slope
    1. vi. 升高; 上升; 上涨 move from a lower to a higher level or position; go up; come up; appear above the horizon
    2. vi. 站起来; 起床 stand up from a lying, kneeling, or sitting position; get up
    3. vi. 起义; 反抗 begin to be active in opposition; rebel



    • n.
      • a growth in strength or number or importance
      • the act of changing location in an upward direction


      • an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

        "the car couldn't make it up the rise"


      • a movement upward

        "they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon"


      • the amount a salary is increased

        同义词:raisewage hikehikewage increasesalary increase

      • the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises

        同义词:upgraderising slope

      • a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground


      • (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost


      • an increase in cost

        "they asked for a 10% rise in rates"

        同义词:boosthikecost increase

      • increase in price or value


    • v.
      • move upward

        同义词:liftarisemove upgo upcome upuprise

      • increase in value or to a higher point

        同义词:go upclimb

      • rise to one's feet

        同义词:ariseupriseget upstand up

      • rise up


      • come to the surface

        同义词:surfacecome uprise up

      • become more extreme


      • come into existence; take on form or shape

        同义词:originatearisedevelopuprisespring upgrow

      • be promoted, move to a better position

        同义词:move up

      • go up or advance


      • get up and out of bed

        同义词:get upturn outariseuprise

      • rise in rank or status

        同义词:jumpclimb up

      • increase in volume


      • become heartened or elated
      • exert oneself to meet a challenge

        "rise to a challenge"; "rise to the occasion"

      • take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegiance

        同义词:rebelariserise up

      • come up, of celestial bodies

        "The sun also rises"

        同义词:come upupriseascend

      • return from the dead

        "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise"




    用作名词 (n.)
    • anticipate rise期待上涨
    • ask for a rise in pay要求加薪
    • check rise核查起因
    • demand a rise要求加工资
    • deserve a rise得到增长
    • forestall rise使增长优先
    • get a rise得到增长
    • heighten rise提高地位
    • mount rise增高
    • predict rise预言上涨
    • produce rise引起上涨
    • big rise大的增长
    • constant rise不断增长
    • general rise普遍增长
    • marked rise显著增长
    • sharp rise急剧上涨
    • substantial rise巨大增长
    • sudden rise突然上涨
    • vertical rise垂直上升
    • for a rise要求增加
    • on the rise增长
    • a rise in income收入增长
    • a rise in life飞黄腾达
    • a rise in social position社会地位的提高
    • a rise in the average temperature平均温度的升高
    • a rise in the cost of living生活费用上涨
    • a rise in the ocean bottom洋底一处隆起的地方
    • a rise in the price of meat肉类价格的上涨
    • a 25% rise in the price of oil油价上涨25%
    • a rise in the value of the dollar美元的升值
    • the rise of a country一国的兴旺
    • the rise of sun日出
    • the rise of the new talent新秀的出现
    • the rise of voice嗓音的升高
    • the rise to power上台,得势
    用作动词 (v.)
    • rise early早起
    • rise fast迅速上涨
    • rise appreciably明显提高
    • rise continually不断提高
    • rise dimly隐隐地浮现
    • rise dizzily令人晕眩地上升
    • rise fabulously暴涨
    • rise gradually渐渐上张
    • rise hungrily渴望提高
    • rise immensely大大提高
    • rise naturally自然说出
    • rise outrageously暴涨
    • rise rapidly迅速提高
    • rise slowly缓缓升起
    • rise steeply很陡
    • rise above the ordinary level超出一般水平
    • rise against起来反抗…
    • rise from由…复活,从…上升
    • rise from a chair从椅子上站起身来
    • rise from the dead死而复生
    • rise in arms武装起义
    • rise in the mind涌上心头
    • rise over 3000 meters above sea level海拔三千多米
    • rise to应付…,上升到…
    • rise to one's feet站起来
    • rise with随着…增长


    china rises中国之崛起(记录片)


    1. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow.
    2. The higher we rise, the smaller we appear to those who do not know how to fly.
    3. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
    4. In proportion as the sales increase the profit will rise.
    5. The next morning I was the first to rise.
    6. The king's cruelty excited the people to rise against him.
    7. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
    1. I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
    2. Experts say the figures for divorce are on the rise.
    3. Tax revenue reached 1,637.1 billion yuan, a rise of 240 billion yuan in comparable terms.
    4. The length of the steps depends on the rise of the slope.
    5. On mountain slopes that receive plentiful rainfall, huge Douglas firs rise in towering columns.


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    上一篇:riser height