

英 ['ɒsɪklz]
美 ['ɒsɪklz]


  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    ossicle[ 'ɔsikl ]

    • n.a small bone; especially one in the middle ear




    Mass loading on the ossicles and middle ear function
    Meniscal ossicles: two case reports and a review of the literature
    Formation of Bone Marrow in Fibroblast-Transformation Ossicles
    Incidence of accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones in the feet: a radiographic study of the Turkish subjects.
    The skeleton of the eye. I. Conjunctival papillae and scleral ossicles.
    Accessory ossicles and sesamoid bones of the ankle and foot: imaging findings, clinical significance and differential diagnosis
    Ontogenetic and phylogenetic transformations of the ear ossicles in marsupial mammals
    Size matters: diversity in swimbladders and Weberian ossicles affects hearing in catfishes.
    Middle-ear ossicles of the multituberculate Kryptobaatar from the Mongolian late Cretaceous : implications for mammaliamorph relatio...
    19 – Reticuloendothelial Cells in Matrix-Induced Fibroblast–Transformation Ossicles *
    下一篇:ossicular chain