



  • n.


  • 英英释义


    • Kapo (2000) is an Israeli documentary film about the Jewish kapos who collaborated with the Nazis in the concentration camps during World War II. The film was written, directed, and produced by Dan Setton, with Tor Ben Mayor and Danny Paran in conjunction with Spiegel TV of Germany and Rai 3 of Italy.




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    Sustainability, Vol. 9, Pages 1029: Assessing Impervious Surface Changes in Sustainable Coastal Land Use: A Case Study in Hong Kong
    Appropriate use of artificial nutrition and hydration--fundamental principles and recommendations.
    Is the palliative performance scale a useful predictor of mortality in a heterogeneous hospice population?
    A geographic information systems-based, weights-of-evidence approach for diagnosing aquatic ecosystem impairment
    Palliative care for the older adult
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    Families' perceptions of services: Are earlier hospice referrals better?
    Caring for oneself to care for others: physicians and their self-care