grand tour

《grand tour》怎以读

英 [ɡrænd tuə]
美 [ɡrænd tʊr]

《grand tour》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 英英释义

    grand tour

    • n.
      • an extended cultural tour of Europe taken by wealthy young Englishmen (especially in the 18th century) as part of their education
      • a sightseeing tour of a building or institution

    学习《grand tour》怎么用


    Grand Tour
    Grand Tour Methods: An Outline
    Grand Tour and Projection Pursuit
    Grand Tour and Projection Pursuit
    The grand tour: a key phase in the history of tourism.
    The grand tour: a tool for viewing multidimensional data
    Grand tour of concepts for object-orientation from a database point of view
    Planetary Surface Processes: The grand tour
    The British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century by Jeremy Black
    High Dimensional Clustering Using Parallel Coordinates and the Grand Tour
    High Dimensional Clustering Using Parallel Coordinates and the Grand Tour
    上一篇:grand total