



  • v.

    花费超过…范围,比(他人)花费多( outspend的现在分词 );

  • 学习《outspending》怎么用


    Outspending baby boomers
    Outspending the outspent
    Outspending the competition
    Pro-Israel PACs Outspending Rivals 522 to 1 in 1995-96
    Are the Soviets Really Outspending the U.S. on Defense?
    Medicaid Outspending Other Federal Programs on Psychiatric Medications
    Conservatives 'Massively Outspending' Labour in Key Welsh Seats, Says Hain
    GOP outspending Dems 10-1 in 4th CD National party says money needed to counter '527' groups.(News)
    Tax Referendum Race Remains Tight; Outspending Foes Doesn't Mean Win for Backers
    Chris Van Hollen Raised $1.8 Million in First Three Months of the Year (Posted 2016-04-15 22:23:00) ; He Has Been Outspending His Op...