

英 [wɪð]
美 [wɪθ]


  • prep.


  • 双语释义

    1. (表示关系)和…在一起 in the presence or company of; near; beside, or among
    2. (表示状态)具有,带有 having or possessing; showing (a quality)
    3. (表示方式)用,以,藉 by means of; using
    4. (表示对象)对…,关于 concerning; in regard to or in the case of
    5. (表示伴随)与此同时,随着 at the same time and rate as
    6. (表示让步)虽然,尽管 in spite of
    7. (表示原因)由于,因为 because of or considering the fact of
    8. (表示态度)支持,赞同 in support of; in favor of
    9. (表示态度)跟(…对抗)against
    10. (表示包容)包括 and also (sth); including (sth)
    11. (表示所属)由某人照看〔管理,持有〕 in the care, charge or possession of (sb)



    with the

    up with拿起,举起;拥护

    with all虽然有,即使

    do with利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处

    be with someone[口]听懂

    in with同…友好相处

    go with v. 伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

    as with正如;与…一样;就…来说

    on with开始;穿上;戴上

    go out with和…出去;与某人约会

    with young(动物)怀胎

    go on with继续;进行;暂时使用

    at one with(与...)一致

    go off with v. 拿去;抢走

    go in with参加;加入;入股

    with knobs on [俚语]尤其突出地,更加 , ◎[口语]有过之而无不及;更加 , ◎肯定地,完全地;乐意地



    1. They muffled up her head with a blanket.
    2. The risk of severe illnesses increases with age.
    3. The week cost us over 500 but that was with skiing lessons.
    4. I leave the baby with my mother every day.
    5. I assure you they'll be perfectly safe with us.
      我向你保证, 他们和我们在一起十分安全。


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