



  • v.

    爱,热爱( love的第三人称单数 );喜爱;喜好;喜欢

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 爱;热爱 feel love, desire, or strong friendship for
    2. vt. 喜爱;喜好;喜欢 like very much;take pleasure in
    1. [U]爱,爱情 a strong feeling of fondness for another person
    2. [U]喜爱 warm interest and enjoyment and attraction to



    • n.
      • a strong positive emotion of regard and affection

        "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love"

      • any object of warm affection or devotion

        "the theater was her first love"


      • a beloved person; used as terms of endearment

        同义词:beloveddeardearestloved onehoney

      • a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction

        "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love"

        同义词:sexual loveerotic love

      • a score of zero in tennis or squash

        "it was 40 love"

      • sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people

        "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"

        同义词:sexual lovelovemakingmaking lovelove life

    • v.
      • have a great affection or liking for

        "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"

      • get pleasure from

        "I love cooking"


      • be enamored or in love with

        "She loves her husband deeply"

      • have sexual intercourse with

        同义词:roll in the haymake outmake lovesleep withget laidhave sexknowdo itbe intimatehave intercoursehave it awayhave it offscrewfuckjazzeffhumplie withbedhave a go at itbangget it onbonk



    用作动词 (v.)
    • love very much十分喜爱
    • love abstractly爱…难于理解
    • love ardently热情地爱
    • love arduously努力去爱
    • love artlessly朴实自然地爱
    • love blindly盲目地爱
    • love blissfully爱…是某人的福气
    • love boundlessly无限的爱
    • love carnally性爱
    • love completely完全地爱
    • love corruptly爱好…是腐败堕落
    • love dearly疼爱
    • love deeply深深地爱
    • love devotedly专心地爱
    • love disinterestedly无私地爱
    • love divinely极好地爱
    • love exclusively爱…是专一的
    • love faithfully忠实地爱
    • love fastidiously过分地爱
    • love fathomlessly深不可测地爱
    • love fondly盲目地爱
    • love illicitly私通
    • love immortally永恒地爱
    • love inordinately过分地爱
    • love instinctively本能地爱
    • love irretrievably无法挽救的爱
    • love jealously爱得令人妒忌
    • love lastingly持久地爱
    • love loyally忠实地爱
    • love masterfully专横地爱
    • love passionately热恋
    • love platonically精神恋爱
    • love profoundly深爱
    • love rationally爱…是合乎情理的
    • love really真正地爱
    • love romantically爱得浪漫
    • love sincerely真诚地爱
    • love spiritually高尚地爱
    • love spontaneously一时冲动地爱
    • love steadfastly坚定不移地爱着
    • love tenderly温柔地爱
    • love unwisely不理智地爱
    • love utterly彻底地爱
    • love violently强烈地爱着
    • love warmly热爱
    • love wildly疯狂地爱
    • love zealously积极地爱
    • love above爱…超过
    • love to爱…到…地步
    • love with用…(方式)爱
    用作名词 (n.)
    • declare love表明某人的爱
    • doubt sb's love怀疑某人的爱
    • earn sb's love博得…爱
    • excite sb's love引起某人的爱
    • fall in love坠入情网,爱上
    • feel no love不爱
    • gain sb's love得到(某人的)爱
    • give sb's love向某人致意
    • have a great love热爱
    • inspire love for激起对…的爱
    • lose sb's love失去(某人的)爱
    • make love做爱,发生性行为
    • return sb's love报答某人的爱
    • show love表示爱
    • win sb's love得到(某人的)爱
    • abiding love永不消失的爱
    • arduous love艰难的爱情
    • artless love朴实的爱情
    • baffled love令人困惑的爱情
    • barbaric love野蛮的爱情
    • betrayed love不忠的爱情
    • blind love盲目的爱
    • boundless love永恒的爱
    • brave love勇敢的爱情
    • celestial love神圣的爱
    • changeless love不变的爱
    • common love共同的爱
    • confiding love诚实的爱情
    • deathless love永恒的爱
    • deep love深深的爱
    • deepening love不断加深的爱
    • first love初恋
    • free love自由恋爱
    • enduring love持久的爱
    • enthusiastic love热爱
    • entrancing love狂热的爱
    • false love虚伪的爱
    • genuine love真诚的爱
    • great love伟大的爱
    • heavy love深深地爱
    • heroic love崇高的爱
    • holy love神圣的爱情
    • honest love诚实的爱
    • hungry love渴望得到爱情
    • immortal love永恒的爱
    • intense love强烈的爱
    • lavish love慷慨的爱
    • light love轻浮的爱
    • luminous love闪光的爱情
    • noble love高尚的爱
    • noiseless love无声的爱
    • obdurate love执拗的爱
    • obscure love朦胧的爱
    • one-sided love单相思
    • painful love痛苦的爱
    • passionate love酷爱
    • platonic love精神恋爱
    • potential love潜在的爱
    • profound love深厚的爱
    • public love民众的爱
    • pure love纯粹的爱
    • purifying love纯洁的爱
    • real love真爱
    • reasonable love正当的爱情
    • rending love伤心的爱情
    • romantic love浪漫爱情
    • sentimental love感伤的爱情
    • sham love虚伪的爱
    • shamed love可耻的爱情
    • shy love羞怯的爱情
    • sincere love真挚的爱
    • sleepless love无休止的爱
    • spiritual love精神上的爱
    • spontaneous love一时冲动的爱
    • steadfast love坚定不移的爱
    • stirring love激动人心的爱情
    • strong love酷爱
    • sustaining love持久的爱
    • sweet love甜美的爱情
    • tender love柔情
    • thankful love感激之情
    • thoughtful love无微不至的爱
    • tragic love悲剧性的爱情
    • true love真正的爱
    • truthful love真实的爱
    • unalterable love永恒的爱
    • unbounded love无限的爱
    • undying love永恒的爱
    • unlawful love非法爱情
    • unqualified love不符合条件的爱
    • unselfish love无私的爱
    • unspoken love无言的爱
    • unutterable love难以言表的爱
    • valiant love高尚的爱情
    • violent love强烈的爱
    • visionary love梦幻的爱情
    • virtuous love贞洁的爱情
    • warped love扭曲了的爱
    • wasted love消逝了的爱
    • willing love心甘情愿的爱
    • wondrous love奇妙的爱情
    • wrenching love令人痛苦的爱情
    • youthful love富于青春活力的爱情
    • zealous love热烈的爱情,热情奔放
    • love affair性关系
    • love story爱情故事
    • by love被爱的
    • for love为爱情,出于爱好
    • for all loves无论如何,务必
    • for the love of为了…起见,看在…的面上
    • marry for love为爱情而结婚
    • in love在热恋
    • of all loves无论如何,务必
    • out of love为爱
    • with love因爱情而…,(信末用语)良好的祝颂
    • with one's lady love带着某人的爱人〔妻〕
    • love at first sight一见钟情
    • love between parent and child父母与子女之间的爱
    • love for对…的爱
    • love for one's country对祖国的爱
    • love in cottage糟糠夫妻的生活
    • love of adventure酷爱冒险
    • love of learning爱学习
    • love of music爱好音乐
    • love of nature爱好大自然
    • love of sport爱好运动
    • love of study好学之心
    • love to对…的爱
    • love to parents对父母的爱


    in love相爱;恋爱中

    of love论爱情

    for love ◎为了爱情 , ◎出于爱好;为了兴趣;为了消遣;不为钱(的);无偿地

    in love with热爱;与…相爱

    love for对…的热爱

    true love真爱;挚爱,真情

    fall in love坠入爱河;爱上某人

    falling in love坠入情网

    fall in love with爱上

    with love(信末用语)良好的祝颂

    make love v. 做爱;示爱(献殷勤)

    love all双方打成零比零

    love at first sight一见钟情

    love story n. 爱情故事,恋爱小说

    love life n. [口]爱情生活

    fell in love with 爱上…(fall in love with的过去式)

    for the love of为了…起见

    would love to(表示喜欢,愿意)很想

    love you forever永远爱你

    the one you love你的爱人;你的至爱



    1. He swore to love her for evermore.
    2. I love my motherland.
    3. The children love playing out in the open.
    1. "A sweet temper"is a figurative expression, but "sweet coffee"is not.
    2. His love for science will never die.
    3. It tells a romantic and humorous love.
    4. I fell in love with her at first sight.
    5. They both have a love of the outdoors.
    6. She won the first set six-love.


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