



  • n.

    快车( express的名词复数 );快运;[E-]快报;快件服务

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. 表达,表示,陈述 put into words; say what one means; make plain; show
    2. vt. 特快发送,快运 send a letter, etc. fast by special delivery
    1. [C]快车 very fast train
    2. [U]〈英〉快运 service for carrying goods quickly
    1. [A]特快的,高速的 going, sent quickly
    2. 〈正〉明确的 clearly and definitely stated
    3. 丝毫不差的exact
    1. 用快递方式地 by express post



    • n.
      • rapid transport of goods


      • mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system

        同义词:express mail

      • public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops

        "he caught the express to New York"


    • v.
      • give expression to


      • articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise

        "She expressed her anger"

        同义词:verbalizeverbaliseuttergive tongue to

      • indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.

        "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"


      • serve as a means for expressing something


      • manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait)

        "Many of the laboratory animals express the trait"

      • obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action

        "Italians express coffee rather than filter it"

        同义词:press outextract

      • send by rapid transport or special messenger service

        "She expressed the letter to Florida"

    • adj.
      • not tacit or implied

        "her express wish"

      • without unnecessary stops

        "an express train"; "an express shipment"

    • express

      "please send the letter express"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • express a package to a place把包裹作为快件寄往某地
    • express anger表示生气
    • express annoyance表现烦恼
    • express apples榨苹果
    • express best wishes表达良好的祝愿
    • express deep regret表示十分遗憾
    • express equality代表相等
    • express letter以快递邮寄信
    • express merchandise to sb把货物快运给某人
    • express one's disapproval表示不认可
    • express one's interest in表示对…有兴趣
    • express one's love表达爱意
    • express one's mind表达思想
    • express one's refusal表示拒绝
    • express one's sorrow表达悲哀
    • express one's thought表达思想
    • express one's willingness表达意愿
    • express oneself表达自己的思想
    • express oneself in better French用更好的法语表达自己
    • express sympathy表示同情
    • express the hope for表示对于…的希望
    • express the idea表达想法
    • express the juice榨汁
    • express accurately准确地表达
    • express adequately充分地表达
    • express admirably极好地表达
    • express affably和蔼可亲地表示
    • express angelically天使般地表达
    • express appropriately恰如其分地表达
    • express bitterly苦苦地表达
    • express blandly乏味地表达
    • express bluntly生硬地表达
    • express calmly镇静地表达
    • express carefully谨慎地表达
    • express charmingly迷人地显示
    • express clearly清楚地讲述
    • express clumsily笨拙地表达
    • express coherently清楚地讲述
    • express correctly正确地表达
    • express crudely简单地表达
    • express delicately细致地表达
    • express demurely严肃地表达
    • express effectively有效地表达
    • express eloquently雄辩地表达
    • express felicitously巧妙地表达
    • express ferociously十分强烈地表示
    • express forbiddingly严峻地表示
    • express forcibly有力地表达
    • express frankly坦率地表达
    • express freely自由地表达
    • express fully充分地表达
    • express generally一般地表达
    • express gratefully感激地表示
    • express gravely庄重地表达
    • express grimly严厉地表达
    • express happily高兴地讲述
    • express hardly说不出
    • express independently不适当地表达
    • express indescribably模糊地表达
    • express intelligibly清楚地表达
    • express judicially慎重地表达
    • express knowingly故意地表达
    • express lightly轻率地表达
    • express loftily傲慢地表达
    • express officially正式地表达
    • express paradoxically自相矛盾地表达
    • express privately私下〔秘密〕地表达
    • express portentously自大地表示
    • express positively明确地表达
    • express properly适当地表达
    • express publicly公开地表达
    • express quaintly古怪地表达
    • express radiantly喜悦地表达
    • express readily准备表达
    • express recklessly无礼地表示
    • express repeatedly反复讲
    • express satisfactorily满意地表达
    • express savagely粗鲁地表达
    • express sincerely真诚地表达
    • express soothingly安慰地表示
    • express strongly强烈地表达
    • express sufficiently充分地表达
    • express tersely简洁地表达
    • express vaguely不明确地表达
    • express verbally用语言表达
    • express vigorously朝气蓬勃地表达
    • express as显现出来
    • express by用…表达
    • express from从…榨汁
    • express in用…陈述
    • express in good English用流利的英语表达
    • express out of从…榨汁
    • express to向…表达
    用作名词 (n.)
    • limited express〈美〉豪华舒适车费高昂的特别快车
    • aerial express包裹航空快运,航空快运的包裹
    • special express特别快车
    • the night express夜间快车
    • send a package by express寄快运包裹
    • send goods by express快运货物
    • send the parcel by express快运包裹
    用作形容词 (adj.)
    • express bus特快公共汽车
    • express company快运公司
    • express highway高速公路
    • express train特别快车
    • express delivery快递
    • express fee快递费
    • express goods快运货
    • express image酷似
    • express letter快信
    • express lift快速电梯〔吊机〕
    • express mail快件
    • express purpose特殊目的
    • express wish明确的愿望


    express oneself表达自己的思想

    express delivery快递,限时专送

    express way高速公路;快车道

    american express美国运通(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国)

    express mail快信

    express highway高速公路,快速公路

    express train特别快车,特快列车

    express yourself表达自己的思想;表现自我

    express or implied明示或默示;明订或默示

    express company快递公司

    people express美国人民捷运航空公司

    by express通过快递

    express service快递服务

    air express(美)航空快递邮包;空运包裹

    express gratitude表达感谢

    daily express每日快报

    express mail service特快专递

    federal express联邦快递,美国联邦快递公司

    orient express东方快车

    express concern表达关注



    1. The express is as swift as an arrow.
    2. We have to change here for an express.
    3. I sent the letter by express.
    4. Important documents will be sent by express.
    1. Matthew left express instructions to keep all doors locked.
    2. Is there an express checkout service?
    3. It is the most direct way to approach the transcendental state and the most subtle way to express spiritual energy in audible form.
    1. The parcel was sent express.
    1. Many theologies express the same ideas.
    2. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you again.
    3. The writer expresses his love for his motherland in his novels.
    4. As soon as I receive payment I will express the book to you.


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    Negative growth regulation in a glioblastoma tumor cell line that conditionally expresses human wild-type p53.
    A novel population of T-cell receptor αβ-bearing thymocytes which predominantly expresses a single V β gene family
    Sutter, G. & Moss, B. Nonreplicating vaccinia vector efficiently expresses recombinant genes. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 89, 10847-10...
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