

英 [aɪsen'trɒpɪk]
美 [ˌaɪsən'troʊpɪk]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    isentropic[ ,aisen'trɔpik ]

    • adj.with unchanging entropy; at constant entropy



    Kinetic formulation of the isentropic gas dynamics and p -systems
    Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics
    Evaluation of excess isentropic compressibilities and isochoric heat capacities ☆
    TRACE A trajectory intercomparison: 2. Isentropic and kinematic methods
    TRACE A trajectory intercomparison: 2. Isentropic and kinematic methods
    Mesoscale Weather Prediction with the RUC Hybrid Isentropic Terrain-Following Coordinate Model
    The area of the stratospheric polar vortex as a diagnostic for tracer transport on an isentropic surface
    Existence and stability of entropy solutions for the hyperbolic systems of isentropic gas dynamics in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordi...
    Comments On ‘On the Use and Significance of Isentropic Potential Vorticity Maps’ By B. J. Hoskins, M. E. Mcintyre and A. W. Robert...
    Global well‐posedness of classical solutions with large oscillations and vacuum to the three‐dimensional isentropic compressible N...