


  • v.

    使过度疲乏,使过度磨损( overwear的现在分词 );

  • 学习《overwearing》怎么用


    Why some workers boil over wearing cooling garments
    Study on Influential Factors over Wearing Behavior of the Young
    Controlling over Wearing Factors of the Transmission of Language Information in Oral Intercommunication
    Analysis on the causes of over-wearing on cylinder liner of marine engine in a ship
    Living: The Furor over Wearing Furs
    Trooper Pick Draws Retirees' Ire over Wearing Uniform on Job
    The Furor over Wearing Furs
    Airman says officer biased over wearing LDS apparel
    Head-to-Head Over Wearing Mom's Socks
    Punishment over Wearing Pink Letters Is Overturned ; Girls' Team Was Dropped from Postseason after Using Unapproved Colors