


  • v.

    旋得太紧( overwind的第三人称单数 );

  • 学习《overwinds》怎么用


    DNA overwinds when stretched
    How the cucumber tendril coils and overwinds.
    DNA overwinds when stretched - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences
    Experimental Evaluation of TCP-STAR for Satellite Internet over WINDS
    Experimental Evaluation of TCP Proxy Mechanism TCP-gSTAR for High Speed Satellite Links over WINDS
    Experimental Evaluation of TCP Proxy Mechanism TCP-gSTAR for High Speed Satellite Links over WINDS
    Experimental Evaluation of TCP Congestion Control Methods for Satellite Links over WINDS
    Spontaneous overcharging of macro-ion complexes
    DNA stretching modeled at the base pair level: Overtwisting and shear instability in elastic linkages
    Direct observation of DNA overwinding by reverse gyrase