



  • v.

    篡夺,霸占( usurp的第三人称单数 );盗用;篡夺,篡权;

  • 英英释义

    usurp[ ju:'zə:p ]

    • v.
      • seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession

        "he usurped my rights"

        同义词:assumeseizetake overarrogate

      • take the place of

        "gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke"



    1. Henry IV usurped the throne of England.
    2. You must not allow it to usurp a disproportionate share of your interest.
    3. The assistant began to usurp his boss's authority.


    Cancer usurps skeletal muscle as an energy repository
    E2A-HLF usurps control of evolutionarily conserved survival pathways
    Lentiviral Vpr usurps Cul4-DDB1[VprBP] E3 ubiquitin ligase to modulate cell cycle.
    Dengue Virus Capsid Protein Usurps Lipid Droplets for Viral Particle Formation
    Helicobacter pylori usurps cell polarity to turn the cell surface into a replicative niche.
    Sindbis virus usurps the cellular HuR protein to stabilize its transcripts and promote productive infections in mammalian and mosqui...
    Seidel, M. G. & Look, A. T. E2A-HLF usurps control of evolutionarily conserved survival pathways. Oncogene 20, 5718-5725
    Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, usurps Bison calf, Bison bison, captured by Wolves, Canis lupus, in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
    Membrane Type I Matrix Metalloproteinase Usurps Tumor Growth Control Imposed by the Three-Dimensional Extracellular Matrix
    The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 Vpx Protein Usurps the CUL4A-DDB1DCAF1 Ubiquitin Ligase To Overcome a Postentry Block in Mac...