

英 [haɪpəʊfə'rɪŋgəskəʊp]
美 [haɪpoʊfə'rɪŋgəskoʊp]


  • n.


  • 学习《hypopharyngoscope》怎么用


    Diagnosis and Treatment by Use of Video-hypopharyngoscope Equipped with both a Transparent Hood and an Air-feeding Channel—A Case o...
    Endoscopic Laryngeal Day Surgery through Operating Channel of Video Hypopharyngoscope Equipped with Distal Hood and Continuous Airfl...
    A Modification of Chevalier Jackson''s Hypopharyngoscope
    Hypopharyngoscope blade for peeping
    [Is the rigid hypopharyngo-esophagoscopy for suspected foreign body impaction still up to date?]
    Ist die starre Hypopharyngo-Ösophagoskopie bei Verdacht auf Fremdkörperingestion noch zeitgemäß?
    Small Cell Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx:A Case Report
    Injection of botulinum toxin A to the upper esophageal sphincter for oropharyngeal dysphagia in two patients with inclusion body myo...
    Œsophagite disséquante sur ingestion de caustique
    Hypopharyngoesophagofiberscopy on Patients with a Foreign Body Sensation in the Throat