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    The Hydrozoa of the south and west coasts of South Africa. Part III. The Gymnoblastea and small families of the Calyptoblastea
    Hydrozoa from the coasts of Natal and Portuguese East Africa. Part II : Gymnoblastea
    Origines et affinités de la faune d'Hydropolypes (Gymnoblastes et Calyptoblastes) et d'Hydroméduses (Anthoméduses et Leptoméduse...
    A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids
    Enumeración sistemática y distribución geográfica preliminar de los Hydroida de la República Argentina. Suborden Athecata (Gymn...
    Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream by L F de Poutalès
    Systematic studies on the nematocysts of cnidaria,1.
    XI.—On the generic position of Benson''s Helix hyba and the similarity of its anatomy to that of Khasiella vidua, W. T. Blanford
    Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean)
    Some Athecate Hydroids From the Shelf Waters of Northern Canada