



  • v.

    宣布( declare的第三人称单数 );断言;申报(收益);板球(在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局

  • 双语释义

    1. vt. & vi. 宣布,宣告; 声明 say sth firmly and clearly
    2. vt. & vi. 断言,宣称 say solemnly; say in order to show that one has no doubt
    3. vt. & vi. 申报 make a full statement of (property for which tax may be owed to the government)


    declare[ di'klεə ]

    • v.
      • state emphatically and authoritatively

        "He declared that he needed more money to carry out the task he was charged with"

      • announce publicly or officially

        "The President declared war"


      • state firmly

        "He declared that he was innocent"

      • declare to be

        "She was declared incompetent"


      • authorize payments of

        "declare dividends"

      • designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand
      • make a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official

        "Do you have anything to declare?"

      • proclaim one's support, sympathy, or opinion for or against

        "His wife declared at once for moving to the West Coast"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • declare bankruptcy宣告破产
    • declare independence宣布独立
    • declare love示爱
    • declare a meeting closed宣布闭会
    • declare a meeting open宣布会议开始
    • declare neutrality宣布中立
    • declare oneself表明态度,发表意见
    • declare peace宣布和平
    • declare silk goods申报纺织品
    • declare the results宣布结果
    • declare tobacco申报烟类
    • declare war宣战
    • declare wines申报酒类
    • declare accurately准确地断言
    • declare baselessly毫无根据地断言
    • declare bluntly直率地断言
    • declare cautiously谨慎地断言
    • declare contemptuously傲慢地声称
    • declare creatively创造性地断言
    • declare decisively果断地断言
    • declare definitely肯定地断言
    • declare deliberately审慎地断言
    • declare doubtfully难以预料地断言
    • declare fantastically荒谬地断言
    • declare firmly坚决地断言
    • declare foolishly愚蠢地断言
    • declare formally正式地宣布
    • declare generally普遍地断言
    • declare inconceivably难以置信地断言
    • declare instinctively凭直觉地断言
    • declare intelligently聪明地断言
    • declare ludicrously荒唐可笑地断言
    • declare officially正式宣布
    • declare philosophically富有哲理地断言
    • declare publicly公开表示
    • declare recklessly轻率地断言
    • declare shamelessly无耻地宣布
    • declare solemnly庄严宣布
    • declare speciously特别地宣布
    • declare successfully成功地断言
    • declare unanimously一致声明
    • declare unexpectedly出乎意外地断言
    • declare unofficially非正式地断言
    • declare off取消
    • declare against声明〔宣布〕反对某事
    • declare against cheating表示反对作弊
    • declare against war声明反对战争
    • declare war against a country向某国宣战
    • declare for声明赞成〔拥护〕
    • declare for war声明赞成战争
    • declare war on a country向某国宣战
    • declare war on poverty向贫困宣战
    • declare to向…宣称
    • declare with一致声称


    declare oneself显露身分;发表意见

    declare for v. 表明赞成(拥护)

    nothing to declare绿色通道;不需报关

    declare bankruptcy宣告破产

    declare war on v. 发动进攻;对…宣战

    declare on宣布



    1. I now declare this meeting open.
    2. Britain declared war on Germany in 1914.
    3. The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.
    4. Do you have anything to declare, jewelry or cash?
    5. He declared that he was innocent.


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