

英 [kənˈdɪʃn]
美 [kənˈdɪʃən]


  • n.


  • vt.


  • vt.& vi.


  • 变形



    1. [U][C]条件,状态,病情 thing needed to make sth else possible; thing on which another thing depends; state of a thing; health
    2. [P]情况,环境,形势circumstances
    3. [C]地位,身份 position in society; rank
    1. vt. 制约,限制 govern; regulate
    2. vt. 使习惯于,使适应 bring into a desired state or condition


    condition[ kən'diʃən ]

    • n.
      • a state at a particular time

        "a condition (or state) of disrepair"


      • a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing

        "the human condition"

      • an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else


      • (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement

        "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"


      • the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')


      • information that should be kept in mind when making a decision


      • the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition

        同义词:experimental condition

    • v.
      • establish a conditioned response
      • train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control


      • specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement


      • put into a better state

        "he conditions old cars"

      • apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny

        "I condition my hair after washing it"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • abolish a condition放弃条件
    • accept a condition接受条件
    • affect a condition影响条件
    • alter a condition结婚,更改条件
    • amend a condition改善状况
    • analyze a condition分析情况
    • better a condition改善条件
    • change one's a condition改变条件
    • check a condition检查情况
    • complicate a condition使事态复杂化
    • consider a condition考虑状态
    • create a condition创造条件
    • describe a condition描述情况
    • discover a condition发现情况
    • embrace a condition接受条件
    • enforce acondition强加条件
    • exaggerate a condition夸大情况
    • forecast a condition预报行情
    • fulfill a condition履行条件
    • give a condition给予条件
    • ignore a condition忽视情况
    • impose a condition把条件强加于…
    • improve a condition改善条件
    • judge a condition判断情况
    • lay down a condition规定条件
    • make a condition规定条件
    • make it condition that以…为条件
    • make no condition绝不要
    • meet a condition符合条件,适应要求
    • modify condition修改条件
    • neglect condition忽视情况
    • observe condition观察情况
    • offer a condition提供条件
    • overturn a condition改变状况
    • perform a condition执行规定
    • present a condition呈现出一种状态
    • propose a condition提出条件
    • recognize a condition认识形势
    • regulate a condition控制状况
    • relieve a condition减轻痛状
    • report a condition报告情况
    • restore a condition恢复状态
    • rule a condition控制状态
    • satisfy a condition满足条件
    • stabilize a condition稳定状态
    • worsen a condition使状况恶化
    • active condition活性状态
    • actual condition实际情况
    • all condition各种条件
    • backward condition落后状况
    • bad condition不景气状况
    • blissful condition狂喜状态
    • certain condition一定条件,有孕
    • characteristic condition特征条件
    • climatic condition气候情况
    • commercial condition商业状况
    • complicated condition复杂的情况
    • contemporary condition当代状况
    • corrupt condition腐败的状况
    • critical condition危急的情况
    • crowded condition拥挤状态
    • damaged condition损坏程度
    • damp condition湿度条件
    • dangerous condition危险情况
    • defenseless condition无防卫状况
    • delicate condition有孕状况
    • developmental condition发育条件
    • difficult conditions困难的条件
    • disabled condition伤残状况
    • disastrous condition灾难情况
    • disordered condition无秩序状态,杂乱状态
    • early condition早期条件
    • ecological condition生态条件
    • economic condition经济状况
    • environmental condition环境状况
    • equal condition平等条件
    • essential conditions基本条件
    • existing condition现状
    • experimental condition试验条件
    • explosive condition爆炸条件
    • fair condition公平条件
    • favourable conditions有利的条件
    • financial condition财产状况
    • fine condition优良的状况
    • former condition以前情况
    • fundamental condition基本条件
    • general conditions普通保险条款
    • gloomy condition令人沮丧的状况
    • good condition好的条件
    • happy condition愉快状况
    • hard condition硬性条件,艰苦条件
    • harsh condition严厉条件
    • hazardous condition危险的情况
    • healthy condition健康状况
    • helpless condition无助的状况
    • holding condition贮藏条件
    • ideal condition理想条件
    • identical condition等同条件
    • ill condition病状
    • important condition重要条件
    • industrial condition工业状况
    • infamous condition无耻的条件
    • inferior condition次要条件
    • inhuman condition非人状况
    • inspiring condition令人鼓舞的条件
    • intellectual condition智力状况
    • interesting condition有趣的条件
    • intermediate condition中间的条件
    • internal condition内部条件
    • liberal condition自由条件,宽大条件
    • living condition生活状况
    • local condition当地情况
    • logical condition逻辑条件
    • loose condition松散状态
    • mechanical condition机械条件
    • mental condition精神状态
    • modern conditions当代条件
    • muddy condition泥状
    • necessary conditions必要条件
    • negative condition否定条件
    • new condition新条件
    • normal condition正常状态
    • nutritional condition营养条件
    • objective conditions客观条件
    • oceanic condition海洋状况
    • odd condition奇怪状况
    • only condition唯一条件
    • open condition开放条件
    • opposite condition反对条件
    • ordinary condition一般条件
    • outward condition表面状况
    • peculiar condition特有的状况
    • perfect condition完善的状况
    • physical condition体力条件
    • pitiful condition令人怜悯的境况
    • pleasant condition愉快的状态
    • political condition政局
    • preliminary condition先决条件
    • present condition目前状况
    • prime condition极好的状况
    • productive condition生产条件
    • psychological condition心理状况
    • quiet condition静止的状态
    • required conditions必要条件
    • right condition正常条件,正常状况
    • rigid condition严格条件
    • running condition运转情况
    • semiconscious condition半清醒状态
    • slight condition不结实的状况
    • social condition社会地位,社会条件
    • solid condition固态
    • sound condition完好的状态
    • special condition特殊情况
    • subjective conditions主观条件
    • terrible condition可怕的状况
    • top condition最佳状况
    • unconscious condition无知觉状态
    • undecided condition未决定的条件
    • unfavourable conditions不利条件
    • unique condition独一无二的情况
    • upset condition搅乱的状态
    • wretched condition不幸的状况
    • accident conditions事故状况
    • alternation condition交替条件
    • battle conditions战斗状况
    • boom conditions生意兴隆
    • boundary conditions边界条件
    • business condition商业行情
    • causality condition因果条件
    • combat condition战斗状况
    • continuity condition连续性条件
    • design condition设计条件
    • distress condition损坏状态
    • employment condition雇用条件
    • end conditions最终状态
    • entrance condition入会条件
    • existence condition现状
    • failure condition破坏条件
    • field condition野外条件
    • heart condition心脏病
    • housing conditions住房条件
    • ice condition冰情
    • insurance condition保险条件
    • labour condition劳动条件
    • level condition水平条件
    • life conditions生活状况
    • location condition选点条件
    • market condition市场行情
    • normality condition正常条件
    • outlet conditions出口条件
    • overflow condition溢出条件
    • permanence condition不变条件
    • point condition点态
    • postwar conditions战后状况
    • price condition价格情况
    • process conditions工艺条件
    • raw condition原状
    • reality condition现实性条件
    • reflection condition反射条件
    • reset condition复原状态
    • root condition根条件
    • sea condition海情
    • separation condition分离条件
    • service condition操作条件
    • signal condition信号状态
    • sky condition天空状况
    • snow condition雪情
    • soil conditions土质情况
    • trade conditions贸易情况
    • traffic conditions交通状况
    • war conditions战争环境
    • wartime condition战时情况
    • weather condition天气情况
    • working conditions劳动条件
    • in condition处于…状态
    • low in condition地位低
    • out of condition身体欠佳
    • without condition无条件
    • conditions of success成功的条件
    用作动词 (v.)
    • condition a horse训练马
    • condition one's muscles使某人的肌肉健壮
    • condition success使成功
    • condition the size限定尺寸
    • condition sth between在(双方)订立…
    • condition for使…适应…
    • condition on以…作为(某人)接受…的条件
    • condition to使(某人)适应于〔习惯于〕…


    present condition目前的状态

    working condition工作环境;使用状态

    actual condition实际情况;实际状况

    boundary condition边界条件,界面条件

    good condition状态良好

    sufficient condition充分条件

    on condition只要

    geological condition地质状况

    necessary condition必要条件,充分必要条件

    in good condition情况良好

    natural condition自然条件

    air condition空调,空气调节设备

    operating condition运行状态,运行条件;操作规范

    market condition行情

    living condition生活条件;居住环境

    in condition adv. 健康状况好,身体条件适合

    work condition工况

    traffic condition交通状况,运输情况;有效状况

    optimum condition最适条件;最佳工况

    health condition健康状况



    condition, terms




    circumstance, status, condition, state, situation








    1. Conditions in poor quarters were horrible.
    2. I had halfway decided to accept their conditions at that time.
    3. The terrorists will only release their hostage on certain condition.
    4. Jimmie had but a vague idea of world conditions now.
    5. His thinking is incommensurate to the changed conditions.
    1. I conditioned the dog to bark at strangers.
    2. Most people have been conditioned to accept what they see on television.
    3. The amount of money I spend is conditioned by the amount I earn.
    4. The human pursuit of security conditioned men to love their homes.
    5. Age and health do not always condition each other.
    6. The gift to the boy was conditioned on his good behavior.
    7. I condition my hair every two weeks.


    The Post Modern Condition A Report on Knowledge
    Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects
    Multi-power Allocation Strategy in the Condition of Primary User Traffic
    Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of the body.
    Methods for assessing condition-specific and generic functional status outcomes after total knee replacement
    Notch3 mutations in CADASIL, a hereditary adult-onset condition causing stroke and dementia
    How do you feel? Interoception: the sense of the physiological condition of the body
    A review on machinery diagnostics and prognostics implementing condition-based maintenance
    The Length-Weight Relationship and Seasonal Cycle in Gonad Weight and Condition in the Perch (Perca fluviatilis)
    Experiment of Coal and Rock fissure Cracking and Developing Characteristic under Uniaxial Compression Condition