



  • v.

    (对…)进行手淫( masturbate的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    masturbate[ 'mæstəbeit ]

    • v.
      • stimulate sexually

        "The old man wanted to be masturbated by the prostitute"

      • get sexual gratification through self-stimulation

        同义词:wankfuck offshe-bopjack offjerk off



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    Man Accused in Mall Sex Crime ; Police Say Suspect Showed 5-Year-Old Porn, Masturbated in Public Play Area
    Not masturbated, I just fondled him, says Monsignor Herdegen
    Man Masturbated in Public for Thrill
    Handjob Love: Why I Love Being Masturbated
    How You're Being Masturbated (Jerked Around) by the U.S. Constitution
    Sleep, Sex Steroid Hormones, Sexual Activities, and Aging in Asian Men