



  • v.

    贺礼,彩金( handsel的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 学习《handselled》怎么用


    The Handselled Globe: Natural Systems, Cultural Process, and the Formation of the New England Landscape
    Surprises from systems, natural and cultural
    Adhesive Capsulitis (the Tight Shoulder)
    A Shropshire Lad / A. E. Housman, with an introduction by William Stanley Braithwaite
    An Examination of the Factors Related to Dating Violence Perpetration Among Young Men and Women and Associated Theoretical Explanati...
    Fatherhood and children with complex healthcare needs: qualitative study of fathering, caring and parenting
    A biological and economic analysis of the North Carolina charter boat fishery.
    Prophet of a third way: the shape of Kuyper's socio-political vision
    Experiential avoidance and male dating violence perpetration: An initial investigation
    Taina Împărătiei si dimensiunea eshatologică a virtutii în textele Sfântului Vasile cel Mare