game bird

《game bird》怎以读

英 [ɡeim bə:d]
美 [ɡem bɚd]

《game bird》是什么意思

  • n.


  • 变形

    复数:game birds


    game bird

    • n.any bird (as grouse or pheasant) that is hunted for sport

    学习《game bird》怎么用


    1. Game birds are hunted for sport.
    2. He also wanted to hire a guide who owned a good bird dog.
    3. The grouse season opens in Britain, but which game bird can make the swiftest escape?


    Methods for Determining the Age of Game Bird Eggs
    Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Management in North America by Thomas C. Tacha; Clait E. Braun
    Minimizing dog-induced biases in game bird research
    Alternative methods for estimating density in an upland game bird: the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus
    Animated game bird decoy
    The Statistical Analysis of Game-Bird Records. II
    CRP land and game bird production in the Texas High Plains
    Studies in wildlife management. 1. Fox populations and food habits in relation to game bird survival, Willamette Valley, Oregon.
    Studies in wildlife management. I. Fox populations and food habits in relation to game bird survival, Willamette Valley, Oregon
    Effects of brush control and game-bird management on nongame birds.
    上一篇:game ball
    下一篇:game cock