

英 [kənˈtrəʊl]
美 [kənˈtroʊl]


  • vt.


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. vt. 控制,抑制,支配 direct; fix or limit the time, amount, degree, etc.
    2. vt. 管理,操纵 stop things or people being too wild, fast, free, etc.
    1. [U]控制,支配,管理 power or authority to direct, order or limit
    2. [U]管制management
    3. [C]管理手段 means of limiting or regulating


    control[ kən'trəul ]

    • n.
      • power to direct or determine

        "under control"

      • a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another

        "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus"

      • (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc

        "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters"

      • a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment

        "the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw"

        同义词:control condition

      • the activity of managing or exerting control over something

        "the control of the mob by the police was admirable"

      • the state that exists when one person or group has power over another


      • discipline in personal and social activities

        "she never lost control of herself"


      • great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity


      • the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.

        "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"

      • a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine

        "the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her"


      • a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
    • v.
      • exercise authoritative control or power over

        "control the budget"


      • lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits

        "control your anger"

        同义词:hold inholdcontaincheckcurbmoderate

      • handle and cause to function

        "control the lever"


      • control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage

        "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"

        同义词:manipulatekeep in line

      • verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments

        "Are you controlling for the temperature?"


      • verify by using a duplicate register for comparison

        "control an account"

      • be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something

        "control the quality of the product"

        同义词:seecheckinsuresee to itensureascertainassure

      • have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of

        "Do you control these data?"




    用作动词 (v.)
    • control a country控制一个国家
    • control a scientific experiment控制一个科学实验
    • control accounts查账
    • control activities of a group控制团体活动
    • control an organization控制一个组织
    • control cancer of the prostate控制前列腺癌
    • control condition控制局面
    • control disease控制疾病
    • control Europe控制欧洲
    • control expenditure控制开支
    • control expression控制表情
    • control file控制总目
    • control forest fire控制森林火势
    • control gestures控制动作
    • control heating控制供暖
    • control incomes控制收入
    • control inflation控制通货膨胀
    • control information控制信息
    • control a laboratory实验室
    • control lighting控制照明
    • control a machine控制机器
    • control one's anger抑制某人的愤怒
    • control one's responsibility控制某人的责任心
    • control a panel控制板
    • control passion抑制某人的激情
    • control payment控制支付款
    • control plane操纵飞机
    • control prices控制物价
    • control process控制生产过程
    • control security of one's home控制某人家庭的安全
    • control specimen核对试样
    • control system控制体系
    • control one's temper控制情绪
    • control the flow of water调节水量
    • control the smirk on one's face控制住某人的假笑
    • control one's voice控制声音
    • control wages控制工资
    • control working conditions控制工作条件
    • control absolutely完全地控制
    • control admirably极好地控制
    • control automatically自动地控制
    • control barely几乎不能控制
    • control critically紧急地控制
    • control effectively有效地控制
    • control powerfully有力地控制
    • control privately秘密地控制
    • control rigidly严格地控制
    • control by被…控制
    用作名词 (n.)
    • abolish control取消控制
    • acquire control获取控制
    • allow sb control准许某人控制
    • attest to control证实对…的管理
    • centralize control统一管理
    • concentrate control集中管理
    • divorce control脱离控制
    • endanger control使管理受到控制
    • entrust with control委托管理
    • establish control确立对…的管理
    • exempt from control免除管理
    • exercise control对…进行管理
    • exert control对…进行控制
    • fight control对统治进行斗争
    • gain control得到控制权
    • grab control抢控制权
    • have no control不能控制
    • lack control缺乏管教
    • lift control取消对…控制
    • lose control失去对…控制
    • maintain one's control继续控制着
    • regain control重新控制
    • relax control放松控制
    • release control免除对…的控制
    • remove control解除控制
    • respond to control对管理问题进行答复
    • secure control of确保对…的控制
    • seek control请求管理
    • seize control夺取控制权
    • settle in control稳固控制权
    • teach control讲授管理
    • tighten the control加强管理
    • trick into control骗取管理权
    • vest control in将管理权归属于…
    • win control赢得管理权
    • wrest control夺取管理权
    • absolute control绝对控制
    • administrative control行政管理
    • arbitrary control专横的控制
    • automatic control自动控制
    • benevolent control仁慈的管理
    • boundless control无限的控制
    • civilian control民间管理
    • centralized control集权式控制
    • complete control完全控制住
    • craven control怯懦的管理
    • degrading control卑劣的控制
    • determined control坚决的管理
    • easy control易于管理
    • effective control有效的控制
    • entire control完全控制
    • exclusive control独有的控制
    • good control很好的管理
    • growing control不断的管理
    • hateful control充满恶意的管理
    • holding control同步管理
    • independent control独立控制
    • limited control有限的管理
    • perfect control正确的管理
    • permanent control永久性的控制
    • planned control有计划的控制
    • powerful control有力的控制
    • precise control准确的控制
    • private control秘密控制
    • rigid control严厉的控制
    • steady control稳固的控制
    • strong control强有力的控制
    • virtual control实质上的管理
    • beam control光束控制
    • birth control计划生育
    • column control纵向控制
    • crystal control晶体控制
    • dash control按钮控制
    • distance control遥控
    • field control磁场调整
    • finger control手动控制
    • fire control火力控制
    • format control格式化管理
    • hand control人工控制
    • inventory control财政目录管理
    • marker control标志控制
    • power control功率调整
    • predictor control前置控制
    • price control物价管理
    • production control生产管理
    • programme control程序控制
    • control board监察委员会
    • control bridge控制台
    • control center控制中心
    • control chart控制图
    • control company控股公司
    • control dam节流闸
    • control experiment受控对照实验
    • control figures控制数字
    • control laboratory检查室
    • control lever操纵杆
    • control line防火线
    • control room操纵室
    • control stick操纵杆
    • control tower指挥塔
    • control wheel控制轮
    • beyond control无法控制
    • in control控制着
    • out of control失去控制
    • under control控制住
    • control for对…起控制作用
    • control of对…控制
    • control on对…控制
    • control over对…控制,对…采取一种手段


    control system控制系统

    control of对…的控制

    quality control质量控制,质量管理

    under control处于控制之下;情况正常

    out of control失去控制

    control method控制方法,检查法

    control group控制组(自变量的一种处理方法);实验对照组

    under the control of在...控制下

    automatic control自动控制

    process control过程控制;程序控制

    numerical control数字控制;数值控制

    control strategy控制策略

    temperature control温度控制

    control measures控制措施;管理办法

    control over控制;支配;征服

    fuzzy control模糊控制

    in the control of在…控制下

    control theory控制理论,控制论

    remote control n. 遥控;遥控装置

    cost control成本控制



    direct, control, supervise, govern, administer, rule, manage










    1. Don't worry, we have everything under control.
    2. Inflation has got out of control.
    3. The government has imposed strict controls over the import of luxury goods.
    4. He has little control over his emotions.
    5. The pilot is at the controls.
    1. The firemen were unable to control the blaze.
    2. He tries to control me as if I were his slave.
    3. Who will control the affairs of the entity?
    4. He couldn't control the indignation that swelled in his heart.
    5. He was unable to control his addiction to drugs.


    Robust and optimal control
    Congestion avoidance and control
    Congestion avoidance and control
    Power System Stability and Control
    Dendritic cells and the control immunity
    Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. I
    Introduction to statistical quality control
    Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control
    Linear Matrix Inequalities In System And Control Theory [Book Review]
    Effect of intensive blood-glucose control with metformin on complications in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 34). UK...
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