



  • n.

    非洲旋角大羚羊( eland的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义

    eland[ 'i:lənd ]

    • n.either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes



    1. We can see elands here in this zoo.


    Shellfish in prehistoric diet : Elands Bay, S.W. Cape Coast, South Africa
    Barriers to supply chain information integration: SMEs adrift of eLands
    The Wood Charcoal Assemblages from Elands Bay Cave, Southwestern Cape: Principles, Procedures and Preliminary Interpretation
    The Later Stone Age lithic sequence at Elands Bay, Western Cape, South Africa: Raw materials, artefacts and sporadic change
    Adaptive assessment and management of riverine ecosystems: The Crocodile/Elands River case study
    Pre-Colonial Settlement and Subsistence along Sandy Shores South of Elands Bay, West Coast, South Africa
    Fossil wood charcoal assemblages from Elands Bay Cave, South Africa: implications for Late Quaternary vegetation and climates in the...
    Large Shell Middens and Hunter-Gatherer Resource Intensification Along the West Coast of South Africa: The Elands Bay Case Study
    Palaeovegetation at the last glacial maximum in the western Cape, South Africa: Wood charcoal and pollen evidence from Elands Bay Cave
    Archaeological charcoals as indicators of vegetation change and human fuel choice in the late holocene at Elands Bay, Western Cape P...