


  • abbr.

    animal 动物;animato (Italian=animated) (意大利语)生动的;animate 使有生命;animism 泛灵论

  • 英英释义


    • ANIM is a file format, used to store digital movies and computer generated animations (hence the ANIM name), and is a variation of the ILBM format, which is a subformat of Interchange File Format.




    Archer J. Tests for emotionality in rats and mice-review. Anim Behav 21: 205-235
    Lens epithelial cell apoptosis appears to be a common cellular basis for non-congenital cataract development in humans and animals
    Organic matter diagenesis at the oxic/anoxic interface in coastal marine sediments, with emphasis on the role of burrowing animals.
    Braaten, R.F. & Reynolds, K. Auditory preference for conspecific song in isolation-reared zebra finches. Anim. Behav. 58, 105-111
    The role of the contractile activity of the muscles in chemical thermoregulation in the early ontogenesis of homoiothermal animals
    [Preliminary research on the hyaluronic acid content of the vitreous: glucosamine content of the vitreous of young & adult animals]
    Abstract: Oxidative Stability of Cooked Chicken Breast Burgers Obtained from Organic, Free-range and Conventionally Reared Animals
    Epidural versus non-epidural or no analgesia in labour.
    Epidural versus non-epidural or no analgesia in labour
    A comparative study of apathyanimittaj madhumeha as per ayurveda and niddm in modern science.