
英 [ˌəʊ bi: ˈi:]
美 [ˌoʊ]


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  • 学习《OBE》怎么用


    ...of child and adolescent overweight and obe
    Comparative effects of candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide on blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and sympathetic drive in obese hy...
    Are the beta-cell signaling molecules malonyl-CoA and cystolic long-chain acyl-CoA implicated in multiple tissue defects of obesity ...
    SIR RICHARD DOLL CH OBE: 28 October 1912—24 July 2005
    Relationship between skeletal muscle insulin resistance, insulin-mediated glucose disposal, and insulin binding. Effects of obesity ...
    Adipose tissue inflammation and increased ceramide content characterize subjects with high liver fat content independent of obesity
    An update on visfatin/pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor, an ubiquitously expressed, illusive cytokine that is regulated in obesity.
    Multifunctional OBE for its
    The Effects of Exercise Therapy and Exercise-Behavior Modification Therapy on Obesity, Blood Lipids, and Self-esteem of the Obese Mi...
    Memory impairment in obese Zucker rats: an investigation of cognitive function in an animal model of insulin resistance and obesity.