gene pool

《gene pool》怎以读

英 [dʒi:n pu:l]
美 [dʒin pul]

《gene pool》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    Gene pool

    • The gene pool is the set of all genes, or genetic information, in any population, usually of a particular species. This also proves to be the basic level at which evolution occurs.


    学习《gene pool》怎么用


    1. We should establish our own quality gene pool.
    2. This attitude is distinctly unhealthy for the gene pool as a whole.


    Gene pool
    gene pool:
    Gene Pool
    Paleolithic and neolithic lineages in the European mitochondrial gene pool.
    Paleolithic and neolithic lineages in the European mitochondrial gene pool [published erratum appears in Am J Hum Genet 1996 Sep;5(3...
    Is the gene pool of influenza viruses in shorebirds and gulls different from that in wild ducks?
    Genetic diversity, inter-gene pool introgression and nutritional quality of common beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Central Africa
    mtDNA and Y chromosome-specific polymorphisms in modern Ojibwa: implications about the origin of their gene pool.
    The structure of the Aegilops tauschii genepool and the evolution of hexaploid wheat
    Prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans. Relationship to percent of gene pool derived from native American sources.
    Clines of nuclear DNA markers suggest a largely neolithic ancestry of the European gene pool
    Conjugative plasmids: vessels of the communal gene pool
    Nuclear Calcium Signaling Controls Expression of a Large Gene Pool: Identification of a Gene Program for Acquired Neuroprotection In...
    上一篇:gene library
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