



  • v.

    避免,消除(贫困、不方便等)( obviate的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 英英释义

    obviate[ 'ɔbvieit ]

    • v.
      • do away with

        同义词:rid ofeliminate

      • prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

        同义词:debardeflectaverthead offstave offfend offavoidward off



    1. By far,it can't obviate seismic possibility.
    2. The new road obviates the need to drive through the town.


    Acetic acid interference with determination of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid obviated.
    Prolonged use of a cook airway exchange catheter obviated the need for postoperative tracheostomy in an adult patient.
    Minimizing antipsychotic medication obviated the need for enema against severe constipation leading to paralytic ileus: a case report
    A cumulative feeding threshold required for vitellogenesis can be obviated with juvenile hormone treatment in lubber grasshoppers
    Rundown of GH3 cell K+ conductance response to TRH following patch recording can be obviated with GH3 cell extract
    Inaccuracies in selected ion monitoring determination of isotope ratios obviated by profile acquisition: Nucleotide 18O/16O measurem...
    Ileus related to wireless capsule retention in suspected Crohn's disease: emergency surgery obviated by early pharmacological treatm...
    Bevacizumab reduces the growth rate constants of renal carcinomas and its early discontinuation may have obviated a survival advantage
    Soil retention of aminoplast resin-softener-epichlorohydrin modified cellulosic fabrics obviated by inclusion of carboxymethyl cellu...
    Continuously Cultured Tissue Cells and Viral Vaccines: Potential advantages may be realized and potential hazards obviated by carefu...